Witches’ Brooms Aren’t Just for Halloween

I'm not about to play a trick on you and talk about something other than plants, but rather introduce you to a treat of the plant world - witches' brooms. Witches' brooms are abnormalities in plants that result in the growth rate of a section of a plant being slower than the normal rate. This …

The Birds and the Bees of the Flowers and the Trees (i.e., The Sex Life of Plants)

If you have allergies, you know instinctively when plants are pollinating. Ragweed pollen in the fall is a bane to many, causing itchy eyes and stuffed-up heads. However, the allergy season does not begin at that time, but now, just after winter has released its stranglehold on trees and shrubs. Tree and shrub pollen can …

The Larch

Connoisseurs of Monty Python no doubt recognize this title as the name of one of their sketches. As an admirer of the British comics myself, "The Larch" prompted me to reminisce with a viewing on YouTube. However, this article refers to the plant by that name, not the sketch. Hopefully, you will find it just …

Let It Snow!

Sometimes I get inspiration for an article just by looking out my living room window. As I write this, it is snowing, so naturally I think of one of my favorite plants - Snow Falsecypress!  'Snow' is a cultivar of the Sawara Falsecypress, Chamaecyparis pisifera. Sawara Falsecypress is native to Central and Southern Japan, on …


Since I now live in Cedarburg, Wisconsin it is only appropriate that I discuss the tree for which it is named.  Cedarburg is, after all, the "village of Cedars."  But what is a "cedar?" The true cedar is found in the botanical genus Cedrus, best known by the biblical cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani), but …